15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post for Maximum Exposure


There are many different ways to promote a blog post. Social media, forums, guest posts, you name it.

Most of them take time, and picking the right ones is crucial to getting the return you want from the time you put into your content marketing efforts.

In this article, we’ll bring you 15 ways to promote a blog post using different channels and strategies so you can find the right ones for you.

Some of them can also bring other benefits like improving your blog’s SEO, making your followers more engaged, and more.

Let’s get started.

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post for Maximum Exposure

#1: Optimize for SEO

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Optimizing your blog with SEO techniques is the single most important thing to increase its traffic. That ensures it’ll rank high on search engines and attract visitors who are actively researching the topics you cover.

SEO goes a long way, but there are some strategies that you can implement easily.

First, try to rank for keywords with high search volumes and low competition levels. You can easily grab that information with a keyword research tool like Semrush.

Once you have your keywords, add them throughout your content. Try to keep the keyword density between 1 and 2.5%.

Other quick SEO tips include increasing your blog’s loading speed, making it mobile-friendly, optimizing images, adding your focus keywords to your pages’ URLs and meta descriptions, and more.

Finally, to use more advanced strategies and get the best results, you can hire an SEO agency or a freelance expert on a site like Fiverr.

#2: Paid Advertising

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Paying for ads can be a great way to promote a blog post. While it’s more expensive than other methods, it brings many advantages with it.

To start, paid advertising gives you more control over who’ll be viewing your content. On LinkedIn, for instance, you can go as far as picking your target audience’s job functions and companies, which can translate into knowing exactly who’ll be seeing your ads.

Second, it generates immediate results. So, if you’re aiming to increase your blog’s traffic as soon as possible and have a budget to spend, paid campaigns can get it done.

Some of the ad networks you could advertise on include:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • LinkedIn
  • Microsoft
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

Like with SEO, you can save yourself time and implement more advanced strategies in your ad campaigns by getting help from a freelancer or ad agency.

#3: Get readers to share it

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Getting people to share your content is one of the most obvious and effective ways to promote a blog post.

To make that happen, there’s one thing you need to ensure before anything else: creating relevant and engaging content. Without that, people won’t share it with their networks no matter what else you do.

Once you have that, you want to make it as easy as possible for your readers to share your blog posts. This can be done by adding social share buttons on your blog and newsletter.

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Finally, one of the easiest ways to get people to share is by just asking. In your blog posts and social media channels, constantly ask readers to share your content if they found it useful.

This may sound simple but it can actually have a great impact. Just make sure you’re not annoying your readers and hurting your image by asking too frequently.

#4: Use social media

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Posting on social media doesn’t take a lot of work and can get your blog posts in front of more people. In addition, it increases engagement among your followers.

Start by creating profiles on the social media platforms that your audience spends the most time on. If you’re focusing on younger audiences, it could be TikTok and Instagram. If you’re after highly-educated professionals, LinkedIn and Twitter would be perfect.

Then, promote your new profiles to your current audience. If they enjoy your content, many of them will follow you on social media to get more of it.

Always promote your blog posts right after publishing them and don’t forget to do it more than once to reach all your followers.

Finally, many people also follow hashtags. Make sure to add them to your social media posts to increase their reach.

If you end up using more than one social media platform, you might also want to explore a tool like Sprout Social to save time and optimize your strategy.

Check out our Sprout Social Review

#5: Create a newsletter

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Just like social media, newsletters are a great way to promote a blog post as they allow you to build an audience and communicate with it for free.

To create a newsletter, start by getting an email marketing software like Aweber or Mailchimp, setting it up, and picking a template.

While a fancy template that strengthens your brand can be great, a minimalistic one can also get the job done. When setting it up, don’t forget to make sure that the social share buttons are there as we mentioned.

Then, add an opt-in box in your blog with a cool CTA that compels people to subscribe. Try to keep it short and communicate what they’ll get from it.

Finally, send an email every time you publish a new post on your blog, and feel free to include links to more than one post.

#6: Partner with other blogs

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

We’ve already discussed this strategy in a post about growing YouTube channels, and it can be adjusted to promote a blog post as well.

While many bloggers see other blogs purely as competition, partnering with them allows you to grow your audience while helping your readers find other valuable sources of information.

Ideally, you want to partner with blogs that have a similar audience to yours while providing different content.

If your blog teaches small business owners how to create a digital marketing strategy, you could partner with another blog that covers small business finances.

By doing so, you’ll get both audiences to learn about each other without worrying about being replaced as you’re addressing different needs.

The easiest way to collaborate is by simply citing each other’s blogs and linking to them frequently. Besides bringing you more traffic, this also improves your blog’s ranking on search engines due to what we call link building, which we’ll discuss forward.

Additionally, you can also create content together by interviewing each other on topics that are relevant to your audience, co-hosting interviews, writing long-form articles together, and more.

Way #7: Partner with influencers

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

There are two ways you can go about partnering with influencers to promote a blog post.

The first is by finding those who are actively looking for partners, reaching out, and partnering with them.

Ideally, you want to focus on micro-influencers who have the same target audience as you. While it might sound appealing to prefer those with the largest followings, research shows that it’s the ones with smaller followings that tend to get the highest engagement levels.

These partnerships can occur by you paying them to promote your content or through other benefits or exchanges.

The other way to get influencers to promote a blog post for you is by crediting those who helped you shape your content somehow, reaching out to them, and letting them know.

Many times, if they like your content, they’ll be happy to share it with their audiences.

Besides bringing you qualified traffic through a reputable source in your industry, doing this can also create amazing networking opportunities for you.

Way #8: Create YouTube videos

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

YouTube makes up 37% of all mobile traffic worldwide, which makes uploading videos on it one of the best ways to promote a blog post.

The good news is that it’s easier than it sounds. Because they can be entirely based on your blog’s content, you don’t need to create content from scratch for your videos.

They could be shortened versions of your blog posts where you invite viewers to read them for deeper insights or could replace the need of reading them altogether.

Let’s say your post’s goal is to promote an affiliate offer. You could do that on your video and add the affiliate link to the description box, driving leads to your offer without having to direct anyone to your blog.

Besides giving you access to more potential visitors, YouTube videos make your current followers more likely to view more content from you since many prefer those over blog posts and articles.

Find out how to create the fastest growing YouTube channel

Way #9: Improve your headlines

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Most of the time, when people come across your blog posts on Google, social media platforms, and other channels, the headlines will determine whether they’ll read them or not.

That’s why getting them right is crucial.

To start, stick to the most common headline formats:

  • How to’s
  • Listicles (like we used in this post)
  • Question
  • Where, What, and Why
  • Mistakes, Fixes, Errors
  • Ultimate Guide (or Complete Checklist)
  • Keyword Triggers
  • Increase, Boost, and Grow
  • Versus

They may sound cliché, but that’s because they work.

Also, try adding numbers to your headlines. People like tangible outcomes and, for this reason, headlines with numbers tend to get more clicks and shares.

Finally, it’s important to A/B test your headlines to optimize them over time.

You can do that through a conventional A/B testing tool like Thrive’s Headline Optimizer or by simpler methods like split testing emails with different subject lines and seeing which gets more opens.

Way #10: Answer questions on Quora

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Answering questions on Quora and other forums and linking back to your blog can be a very effective way to promote a blog post.

It allows you to get new visitors while positioning yourself as a subject matter expert, which makes them more likely to buy from you, follow you for more content, and more.

To find questions that you could answer, browse through Quora and other forums where your target audience spends time on. Stick to questions that are getting high engagement, are related to your blog post, and that you could give a great response to.

Then, write the best answer you can and add a link to your blog post. Ideally, your answer must provide useful information while still leaving some information out that could be found in your post.

But keep in mind that if your answer is bad or your post isn’t actually useful for those reading it, they’ll just get ignored.

Way #11: Link building campaigns

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Link building consists in getting other blogs to link back to yours.

This brings two benefits:

First, it generates traffic from those clicking on the links.

Second, it increases your search engine ranking as getting many backlinks signals that you are producing great and relevant content.

The most popular way to get backlinks is by using a tool like Semrush to find sites linking to content similar to yours and see if the destination link matches at least one of these conditions:

  • The content is worse than yours
  • The content is outdated
  • The link is broken

If it does, reach out to the sites linking back to it with a personalized outreach and suggest that they replace it with yours instead.

Other ways to build backlinks include collaborating with reporters through HARO, writing guest posts (which we’ll discuss in the next section), and more.

A final note though: when it comes to link building, quality is more important than quantity. So, having a few backlinks from reputable sites in your industry will bring you more qualified visitors and give you more SEO power than having hundreds from random ones.

Way #12: Write guest posts

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Guest blogging consists of writing posts for other blogs, usually for free.

While that may sound like a huge waste of time, it allows you to get your name in top publications and promote a blog post to their audiences by adding a link to it in your articles.

As we said, besides bringing you more visitors, getting linked by a few reputable sites in your industry will also be great for SEO. Not only that but getting your name in those publications will increase your credibility.

To write guest posts, start by browsing publications that are actively looking for guest writers. To find them, google terms like:

  • [Your niche] “write for us”
  • [Your niche] “guest post”
  • [Your niche] “guest blog”
  • [Your niche] “submit an article”

Then, submit a pitch with your idea following their guidelines.

You can also pitch other publications that you’d like to write for in your industry regardless of whether they’re actively looking for writers or not. If your idea is good and you write decently, why wouldn’t they consider it?

Way #13: Publish data-driven content

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

When citing data in their content, people will often link to the source they got it from. Now, imagine how great it’d be if your blog was that source.

Turning your blog into a source of data that others are looking for is an incredible way to make it stand out and attract loads of traffic.

When we say data, we don’t mean just throwing something on Google and copying and pasting all the data you can find from the first three results.

We mean data that others can’t find easily. Take some time to go through articles and studies in your industry to find hidden but relevant data that you could add to your content. You can also go a step further and do your own research to come up with original data.

Use this strategy correctly, and you’ll not only skyrocket your blog’s traffic but will also turn it into a reference in your industry.

Way #14: Add infographics

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Imagine you’re scrolling through LinkedIn. What are you more likely to do? Take 15 seconds to scan an infographic’s data or click on a full article and spend minutes reading it?

Probably the first.

Infographics allow people to grab information more easily and, because of that, they not only improve your readers’ experience but are also more likely to get shared than other content formats.

You can get infographics for your content from the web or by creating your own.

If you choose the latter option, you can do it yourself with a free infographic maker like Canva or hire a freelancer or virtual assistant to do it.

Way #15: Link to related articles on your blog

15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post

Our last strategy is probably the easiest one.

After writing a post, find at least two or three other posts in your blog that could be relevant to those reading it and add them somewhere visible. There are also free plugins like this one that can do this automatically with just one click.

This will draw more readers to each post you write, which is also good for SEO as it signals to search engines that your blog is interesting.

Finally, by getting visitors to navigate through more posts, they’re more likely to stay engaged over the long term, which is crucial to building a large and consistent audience.

Final thoughts

With all those different ways to promote a blog post, there are probably at least some that could fit you perfectly.

Ideally, you should pick two or three strategies that fit you best and focus on them. Also, make sure to implement all the easy ones like asking your audience to share your content and linking to related posts.

If you do that and keep going consistently, you’ll be on your way to maximizing your blog’s exposure in no time.

Pedro Tilki

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